Luis Trigo este un antrenor care a capatat mare popularitate pe retelele de socializare in urma transformarii sale uimitoare.

Barbatul a cantarit la un moment dat circa 185 de kilograme, iar doctorul sau l-a avertizat ca poate muri oricand. Speriat, acesta s-a hotarat sa slabeasca si a inceput sa faca sport. Printre motivele care l-au determinat sa revina pe calea cea sanatoasa, spune el, se numara si depresia cu care s-a luptat dupa ce a fost parasit de prietena sa.

Sase ani mai tarziu si 100 de kilograme mai putin, Luis Trigo este acum antrenor personal, nutritionist si life coach.

"Am fost gras cam dintotdeauna. De cand eram copil. Am fost destul de gras in scoala, apoi obez in timpul liceului. Cumva, eram obisnuit, resemnat, nu ma gandeam la asta, nu tineam cont de asta. Nici nu mi-am dat seama cand am ajuns sa cantaresc 180 de kilograme", a povestit el.

"La un moment dat, am realizat, insa, ca nu mai pot sta in picioare la serviciu, ca nu-mi mai pot face treaba. A trebuit sa imi dau demisia si sa incep sa am grija de sanatatea mea. Am pierdut o relatie de lunga durata si am fost diagnosticat ca fiind pre-diabetic. Aveam doar 24 de ani", a mai spus el.

Acum, Trigo are o multime de clienti atat la sala, cat si pe internet si spune ca face tot posibilul pentru a-i ajuta pe ficare dintre ei.


#tbt I'm reminded, 245 pounds ago. Never forget where you came from, the pain you endured, the ridicule you received, the people who left... the lonely days/nights. Who am I now? Who am I? I'm a change maker, fitness molder, hope giver, love spreader and daily motivator. So, ask yourselves, who are YOU? Are you content with your health? Are you reaching your full potential? I'm daring you to dream. I'm challenging you to be great. All it starts with is believing in yourself and taking that first step! #wls #weightloss #bodytransformation #trainer #fitfam #fitness #weightlossjourney #fatloss #workout #muscle #fit #motivation #inspire #fattofit #transformation #igfitness #weightlosstransformation #igfitfam #igfit #healthy #bodybuilding #wlscommunity #nutrition #selfhelp #inspiration #mentaltoughness #throwbackthursday

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#transformationtuesday 400lbs at 65% bodyfat on the left, 170 pounds at 12% bodyfat on the right. I've been asked on countless occasions: "What drives you? Why didn't you quit?" Simple. I live for the hunt. I'm allergic to complacency. I'm not content with initial goals... I want to constantly grow. In control of this physical being, for I WILL it. So, let me ask you. Why aren't you driven? Why are you content with being the victim and quit? You're better than that. You're destined for more. Act like it. ❤ Namaste brothers and sisters! #wls #weightloss #bodytransformation #trainer #fitfam #fitness #weightlossjourney #fatloss #workout #muscle #fit #motivation #inspire #fattofit #transformation #igfitness #weightlosstransformation #igfitfam #handsome #igfit #healthy #bodybuilding #wlscommunity #nutrition #selfhelp #inspiration

O postare distribuită de Luis Trigo (@savageresolve) pe


If you've been following me for awhile, you'd know I'm a huge fan of the Dragon Ball series. It was one of the first Animes I watched during my childhood(reader of books, proud #nerd, #gamer, etc.). Oh yes. This isn't even my final form. So, in the spirit of #flexfriday, I wanted to bring out my inner Vegeta(favorite character). Whatever your grind today at the gym or outdoors... make sure you go SUPER SAIYAN! Get it in! Start your weekend right by conquering Friday! Reposted due to text missing, my error! #wls #weightloss #bodytransformation #trainer #fitfam #fitness #weightlossjourney #fatloss #workout #muscle #fit #motivation #inspire #fattofit #transformation #igfitness #weightlosstransformation #igfitfam #handsome #pose #igfit #gains #healthy #bodybuilding #wlscommunity #dbz #selfhelp

O postare distribuită de Luis Trigo (@savageresolve) pe